Interview with Ray Lawrence
Talk to us about the very beginnings of this story.
After I finished “Bliss”, I was reading purely for pleasure and there was a story I thought would make a
good film. I ran into Paul Kelly. We had common interests. We didn’t become fast friends then, just
interested in similar things. I started to tell him about the story, and he introduced me to the writings of
Raymond Carver. One of these stories was “So Much Water, So Close to Home”, which had at its heart the
most fantastic moral dilemma. I thought maybe that would be better than the one I was planning. That was
almost 20 years ago. [MORE]
Interview with Beatrix Christian
Can you remember when you first read Raymond Carver’s short story “So Much Water, So Close to
Home”, and how you came to write the “Jindabyne” screenplay?
When I was doing the adaptation of “The Three Sisters” for Sydney Theatre Company we read a lot of
Raymond Carver in preparation for that script. Raymond Carver was quite fascinated with Chekhov’s short
stories and he had written some poetry that was like prose fragments, based on the Chekhov stories. There
was something about Raymond Carver’s style. I felt the Carver writing was like clear water, something
about it was so simple and yet it was really evocative. It was ordinary and yet it took you somewhere much
bigger than the story might suggest. [MORE]