Cast & Credits
Candela Pena as Nina CANDELA PEÑA (Nina) Her performance as a junkie in Imanol Uribe’s “Dias Contados,” which won the Golden Shell at San Sebastián, led her to win the Goya Revelation Award. Films such as “Why Do Women Laugh?” (Joaquin Oristrell), “Insomnia” (Chus Gutierrez), have turned her into one of the most popular young actresses working in Spain today.
Candela Pena as Nina

full Cast & Credits listing
Cecilia Roth as Manuela
Cecilia Roth as Manuela

Marisa Peredes as Huma Rojo
Marisa Peredes as Huma Rojo

Penelope Cruz as Sister Rosa
Penelope Cruz as Sister Rosa

Antonia San Juan as Agrado
Antonia San Juan as Agrado

Rosa Maria Sarda as Rosa's Mother
Rosa Maria Sarda as Rosa's Mother