Cast & Credits
Marisa Peredes as Huma Rojo MARISA PAREDES (Huma Rojo) “High Heels” and “The Flower of My Secret,” both directed by Pedro Almodóvar, have been two of the highlights of Marisa Paredes’ long and successful career as an actress in Spain and Europe. Since her beginnings in theatre and television in the 60’s and 70’s, through cult films, such as Agusti Villaronga’s “In a Glass Cage” or Almodovar’s “Dark Habits,” Marisa has garnered the recognition of the industry and the public, which culminated in her National Film Award, given by the Spanish Ministry of Culture in 1996. She has worked with some of the world’s leading filmmakers, such as Arturo Ripstein (“Deep Crimson”), Raul Ruiz (“Trois Vies et une Seul Mort”), Roberto Benigni (“Life is Beautiful”), along actors such as Jean Rochefort and Marcello Mastroianni. She recently appeared in Arturo Ripstein’s adaptation of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’ “No One Writes to the Coronel,” shown at this year’s Cannes Film Festival.
Marisa Peredes as Huma Rojo

full Cast & Credits listing
Cecilia Roth as Manuela
Cecilia Roth as Manuela

Penelope Cruz as Sister Rosa
Penelope Cruz as Sister Rosa

Antonia San Juan as Agrado
Antonia San Juan as Agrado

Candela Pena as Nina
Candela Pena as Nina

Rosa Maria Sarda as Rosa's Mother
Rosa Maria Sarda as Rosa's Mother